I won’t say I told you so when in four years Valve starts offering exclusives to those using SteamOS.
I won’t say I told you so when in four years Valve starts offering exclusives to those using SteamOS.
It’s not about killing Windows.
It’s about slowing making G*mers comfortable with the idea of Valve’s own closed off ecosystem.
They have already made G*mers comfortable with not owning their games, loot boxes, micro transactions.
This is just another example of Valve being the money grubbing, monopolistic, anti-consumer company that they’ve somehow got away with for years now.
Sounds like classic money-grubbing Gaben.
Stop mod development to make it an easier purchase, then release it chocked-full of loot boxes.
Yet more evidence that G*mers should be bullied more.
The Last Guardian was the next game in the ICO trilogy.
Whenever people talk about games as art, Shadow of the Colossus is guaranteed to be brought up.
Which is also annoying because The Last Guardian would make a perfect TV show.
I know Shadow of the Colossus is the bigger name. But ICO would make such a better movie.
G*mers have already grown used to not owning their games. It’s called Steam.
Gamers are starting to see Valve as the monopolistic scum they are and Gaben is panicking.
I shouldn’t be surprised that lemmites would find a way to make hating the new year a personality trait.
Not only that. Epic takes a smaller cut, and when a game goes on sale or is free that comes from Epic’s cut, the Devs get full pay.
Something that the bootlickers always seem to forget.
I see the Valve bootlickers are out in force. How dare Epic fund indie games, what a bunch of bastards
where he squarely puts the blame on Valve
I know G*mers are far to Stockholmed by the monopolistic hell scape that Valve is responsible for.
But it’s nice to see someone say it.
No greedy shareholders, yet Valve pioneered the lootbox and micro transactions that G*mers complain about with other companies.
A company doesn’t need to be public to be greedy. And using that as the sole distinction between “good and bad” companies is an incredibly sheltered take.
And conform? Why don’t you make me drink a Starbucks coffee you heartless monster
Everyone here thinking the reason they were dropped was because the quality turned to shit
But how else am I supposed to show my really cool and deep personality of hating anything vaguely popular?
No is wasn’t. The dumb gamers were praising steam for doing the same thing Ubisoft was doing.
That’s it VTECS your Evo
Gabe. The same Gabe that has profited off micro transactions, lootboxes, and selling unfinished games. That Gabe?
You already have to use workarounds to get non-steam games to work on SteamOS.
Let’s not forget that this started back ten years ago now with the failed Steam Machine concept.
Gabe needs to pay that fleet of Valkyries he has bought somehow.