Follow hashtags for things you’re interested in too.
Follow hashtags for things you’re interested in too.
Remember, there is no algorithm pushing people towards you, look around, follow people, and see who they follow.
I recall Jorge talking on one of the podcasts, and heard a line like (paraphrased) “You can just run your own, integrated into your own CI/CD system that you’re running”
Even though I’ve been running Linux for a long time, I feel like suddenly got a glimpse of what normal people might feel when we try to get them to use Linux at all.
Leave “Weird Al” alone!
We’ve been through this before.
When Windows dropped most 32 bit support, desktop Linux had a chance just like this, but it didn’t happen then either. Unless some distro becomes a perfect 1:1 replacement for Windows on all hardware, with no changes in installation procedure. (including when it’s purchased) as well as: All software must run not only perfectly, but exactly the same, with everything from installation to every moment of use exactly the same, otherwise people will use Windows unpatched, or go out and buy new hardware.
In my opinion, the year of Linux on the desktop will only come when the desktop is abandoned, and it is no longer a commonly used platform.
Yes, it’s bleak, but we’ve been down this road before. Unless a distro becomes perfect, no significant change will come.
Scoop up that hardware being discarded, install your favorite distro (because you will be supporting it) and give it away to someone to learn Linux. There will never be a mass exodus, just install, educate, and chip away 1 user at a time.
Interesting note: Dick Van Dyke was a big Amiga user back in the day.
Your Mastodon feed will be entirely about who the people you follow are talking about, so follow different people, (or hashtags) and the conversation will change.
Haven’t cared for any version of Windows, going back before 3.0 .