oh wow… another semi-open source project management software. another one! Just what we waited for!
Like Open Project, Leantime, Taiga, etc. etc.
God damn it, build one fully open source and free or update Redmine properly.
oh wow… another semi-open source project management software. another one! Just what we waited for!
Like Open Project, Leantime, Taiga, etc. etc.
God damn it, build one fully open source and free or update Redmine properly.
When we renovated we put Ethernet everywhere - according to my sparky we might have more ports than some medium businesses he did.
…And I still find areas where I would need one or two more. …And I am still mad at myself for not putting a run into the kitchen and the bathroom.
Not to forget the war cry of every LAN Party:
“Who did not terminate?”
That’s more for the Christian fellas, I think.
Especially frustrating if you are a healthcare professional. It is astonishing how many people give out bad medical advice here,on Reddit, Facebook,etc. with the notion of “well it worked for me”.
Often it didn’t even work.
I mean, yes, I know, it is a way for people to recover control after they “lost it” to their body. But at least don’t brag about it on the internet and even more don’t start a fight with someone who clearly has more knowledge due to professional training and years of experience.
I’ve seen people fight the world leading specialist team on Reddit before…
Radiation illness is one of them, there are certain yields that make it rather nasty. Rabies is also pretty high up the list.
Mechanically wise I remember the OSHA case of the worker getting trapped in a walk-in autoclave and literally steamed to death. because that actually takes a long time.
Prion diseases and locked-in-syndrome are also pure horror.
Worked in an ED/still work as a paramedic occasionally.
You don’t want to know how many times I had to explain this shit to a grown woman, sometimes 30y older than me.
It has two components. While Rifampicin and Rifabutin (and Penicillin,Amoxi and a few others) are directly showing effects on the contraceptives drugs effects, there is another factor that shouldn’t be underestimated: ABs can and will cause digestive symptoms, fastening gastric passage and that alone is known to reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives countless times.
In terms of 3D printing it depends a lot on the quality of the model (which usually is pretty good in projects like this, unlike some thingiverse models) and the quality of the printing service. A reputable service will basically always produce good results,only the hole in the wall private garage services are sometimes problematic from my experience.
With soldering you are absolutely correct, it is far easier to learn with more expensive equipment (but this is still far cheaper than 3D printing, decent soldering stations go for less than 120 bucks these days), but it’s still comparably cheap - but not easy to master. Takes a lot of time.
Well, printing externally costs a few bucks so that is not really the problem here.
Soldering is more complicated but that’s more a learning curve problem than an equipment problem.
You sir/madam, are a true conseigneur of old games. That is a name I didn’t read for a long time and you are absolutely right.
What? Messing with you? That would imply humour, which is inefficient and therefore forbidden by law!
This is scandalous!
That is not correct anymore - they are absolutely insured as long as they are entitled to Bürgergeld,even if they don’t actually get it or have the three month block in it. The problem is more that the insurance works retroactively in that situation and they often are billed privately by health care providers (which is somewhat illegal) and some of these claims “stick”, especially if you don’t have the resources to fight it.
Dude,that is not done in the Reichstag,that is far too inefficient.
We of course have our own government department for that, the Bundeswegbeleuchtungsreparaturamt (Federal footpath lighting repair authority) which is part of the Bundesimmobilienverwaltung(Federal real estate authority).
There are of course similar institutions on the state level (besides Saxony/Sachsen, it seems they like to live in the dark) like the Landesweglichtverwaltung (State path light administration) of Baden-Wurttemberg.
Some larger communities have similar agencies,but most simply have a commissary for it (Dorfweglichtbeauftragter), and yes, they are mostly named Hans, Dieter or sometimes Horst.
This is actually a very sensitive topic as the people suffered a lot during the war time black outs and therefore wanted to make sure that never happens again. (Besides Saxony, as I said,they prefer to keep it like 45 in some places).
Just as a side note: You can easily use Matrix with a signal bridge if you selfhost (or use Beeper, which is Matrix with central bridge management)
Yeah, had one of these for previous phones,but most don’t fit properly with cases and if you need to properly charge the phone you are always fiddling around. Was not really satisfied with them.
In theory,yes.
I won’t buy it as my whole charging environment is wireless these days and the FP5 has no wireless charging.
Rolling back of course would be possible but annoying, especially for phone I would use for 5 years possibly.
Funny enough boiling water freezes faster in theory.
Actually,yes. Kids bones are less rigid/more flexible. (And younger kids don’t even have some bones to begin with -patellae-/they aren’t fused together yet -skull-)
And of course you have more weight and a longer “lever” to break things.