I know it sound stupid but Marxism predates Marx. Christian fascists have always been against everything it stands for.
I know it sound stupid but Marxism predates Marx. Christian fascists have always been against everything it stands for.
The only use of the place, that and domestic terrorism.
Nothing good has ever come of telegram.
Youtube is doing a pretty big nazi push right now. A more naïve me would have bought into the whole ‘nazis abusing the algorithm’ narrative but I think them running transphobia ads for the daily wire is proof enough that they’re in on it at this point.
Sadly it’s times like this when you need to look back and ask yourself how such a blatant charlatan can get one over on you, because they never ‘get bad’ but rather were always bad and you just didn’t see it. Sargon taught me to stay the fuck away from Vaush, that cryptofascist. Seeing how easily Sargon, a blatant nazi propagandist was able to get 1 video out of me made sure that people like him wouldn’t even get that.
Translation: “Nien, this offends me, POLITICS IS VERBOTEN!!”
If you set one of the axis to 1 than it’s effectively a scalar that’s why I love it so much.
Pieces who look like that are 83% more likely to go “Yes master? Right away.”
Do not eat the giant purple carrot. (It is inadvisable)
Joule is the best unit you can literally apply it to everything because it’s essentially a raw unit of energy.
Salem wasn’t ergot, it was a genocide. Historians only used that as an excuse to justify the atrocities that went down but anyone whose done even a little bit of looking at the situation will know that all the witchcraft stuff was a cover for the red scare purges they were doing.
Of course the american education system isn’t going to teach you that because they ultimately side with the Christian fascists.
When you’re in school you think calculus is the fucking shit, but in the real world you actually use trig way more often.
I hate the people who backseat on how Memes should be run, then go on to post some of the lowest quality shit on the platform.
The funny irony is that assimilate is a slur in Canada due to its rich history of genocidal intent, to the point someone got into legal hot water because they had a novelty star trek license plate containing it and people thought they meant basically our equivalent of the n word.
They had to explain to a bunch of people including the news what they actually meant and they were like “we don’t care, change it” which is especially rich coming from a culture and government which still continues assimilation-styled (as well as actual killing) genocide to this day.
There’s only two people who survived rabies. One was frozen to 0.000001HP for a long period, and the other literally died.
Ah the “insects don’t feel pain” era. Nowadays we know that bugs can recognize human faces. Nobody knows why, they just can.
I broke off doing the whole Christmas thing and it’s been treating me really well. Giving hits different when it’s not an obligation.