Probably on the ToDo, but it would be really nice if a community moderator could edit post titles if they are clickbait or otherwise insufficient.

    73 years ago

    wouldn’t this create an enormous potential for abuse?

    and even with such a capability, objectively classifying things as insufficient and/or clickbait is impossible, imo clickbait titles just naturally tend to be downvoted by users and usually this is going to be mentioned in like the first comment under the post…

      33 years ago

      Agreed, I don’t like the idea of mods being able to edit posts or comments to make it look like a user said something they didn’t actually say.

    • poVoqOP
      3 years ago

      Hmm, I don’t see a big issue if it gets marked as edited by mod.

      Maybe for editing titles, it could be like tags, or in a different text color? I think there are some genuine use cases for a community moderator to add to or alter a post title.