What are your thoughts on this?

  • Story of Rachel
    -13 years ago

    Fuck ChapoChat.

    I was part of the Chapo community for years, going back to the days of the /r/ChapoTrapHouse subreddit. The community loved me, but ever since the subreddit ban and BeatnikThespian being leader of the project I’ve been consistently thrown under the bus over and over again when targeted by chuds. Just yesterday I was banned, supposedly for my own safety, because I’ve had poor opsec and now chuds in my city from the Cumtown forum are talking about tracking me down. And then I was blocked on Discord by the admin I was talking to. Beatnik had previously blocked me because these chuds were harassing me and causing me to have a mental health crisis, and I was fucking begging him to do something. One of these fuckwads accused me (or rather, said this because he wanted people to believe it) of lying about being hacked a few weeks prior, said “I don’t like you” and “I am not your comrade,” in a thread where I was just asking for material aid because I’m going to be unhoused again soon, on Trans Day of Remembrance, and they’re still allowed to post.

    They basically let these motherfuckers win because I’m not going to make it to my next paycheck unless someone fucking helps me, so I guess I’m gonna die soon.

    I don’t know what the fucking problem is, but it really feels like they’ve thrown me under the bus repeatedly in order to build their community. They’re fools. Instead of having my back when random-ass people were concern trolling about “power users,” i.e. treating users like me (and they were only concerned when it was me, for some reason) preferentially, they threw me under the bus. There was a huge shitstorm when I was hacked and banned. Nobody believed that I was hacked until they did their own investigation. They didn’t delete the thread where Beatnik and other users called me awful shit. They took their sweet time announcing that I was vindicated and when they did, it was an easy to fucking ignore thread in !userunion@chapo.chat.

    If you’re a site admin considering federating with ChapoChat, don’t. They do absolutely nothing to keep vulnerable users safe, and will throw them under the bus for the sake of membership numbers. I don’t believe it’s transphobia per se. They’re just really shitty allies. It’s no wonder, such a huge percentage of the subreddit was queer/trans, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.