Hi there.

I just had some hope, that the new funkwhale-forum will be a lemmy-instance…

why not?

  • @gcrkrause@lemmy.161.socialM
    23 years ago

    Hi @jakob@lemmy.schuerz.at!

    Well, we had a discussion in our old forum and Lemmy was not suggested there, so we did not even considered it. I probably wouldn’t vote for Lemmy as a replacement for a “real” forum, though. I am not a huge fan of these non-linear platforms for in-depth discussions on a bigger topic.

    I think Lemmy is a great addition for the fediverse and you can tell I am somehow interested, at least I try to read here from time to time ;) Once we have some resources left, we might start our own Lemmy instance, but not as a replacement for our forum but as addition.