The encrypted note taking app Standard Notes, is now available as an install on the self hosting platform #Yunohost.

Just another option for taking control of your own data…

  • ufra
    33 years ago

    Nice, this is interesting. I use SN and paid $60 to be able to access extensions and supposed better support (which didn’t happen, waited quite long for questions to be answered). The only thing I really got out of $60 was access to markdown extension.

    It would be nice to switch over to self-hosting and having things like markdown would be nice. I see in issues list a question about this already.

    I testet all the opensource extensions from StandardNotes. They are working with the selfhosted server and web app and mobile apps But at the moment every user has to add each extensions manually.

    I will try to figure something out.

    In any event, this is a positive development.

    • MattOP
      33 years ago

      I can vouch that the extensions work on the self hosted setup. (Got the Holiday special)

      • ufra
        33 years ago

        Thanks, I should probably learn more about yunohost and integrations. A while back I was looking at doing a straight self-host of sn on a VPS, but it might be good to have some management.

        As a note for future reference, the source code for yuno appears to be in
