First of all. Your script is awesome. It’s so fckn fast and absoluty simple and genius.

So i was wondering if some of you guys can help me install the script on my server too?

Greets Manuel

  • Morys
    3 years ago

    I have this problem too in trying to set up a new instance. Could you point me to something to help me understand how I can get a ssh connection working? The resources I’ve found so far (such as this ) don’t resolve it for me.

    • Morys
      13 years ago

      Still trying to get around this and struggling. The setup (ansible-playbook lemmy.yml --become) has a fatal error due to not being able to connect. Any further suggestions? I think I have the wrong x@x input, but I don’t know what I should be putting in there - at the moment using the server login and ip address?