• @k_o_t@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago


    can’t wait to flex my hackintoshed laptop that barely works that i spent tens of hours troubleshooting 😏

    • Dessalines
      23 years ago

      I pry won’t because of how difficult they make installing Linux on one, but I sooo wanna try out Linux on one of those new M1 arm macbooks. Gimme dat 14 hour battery life.

      • @k_o_t@lemmy.ml
        23 years ago

        I pry won’t because of how difficult they make installing Linux on one

        both clover and open core support dual-booting as long as you plan the installation ahead and not after installing macOS, getting macOS to work on your laptop properly is a much bigger hassle if this is what you meant

        but I sooo wanna try out Linux on one of those new M1 arm macbooks

        check out asahi linux, they is still a lot of progress, but they are on their way to reverse engineer the apple arm gpu architecture and subsequently develop a foss driver for it

        their end goal is to make a linux distro that is supposed to specifically run really good on apple arm hardware

        • Dessalines
          23 years ago

          Noice. I think also there are a few non-apple arm laptops coming out next year, and I think arch linux, and maybe ubuntu, and manjaro have arm versions. Most of all its gonna be exciting to get a lot more apps built for arm.