A good thing about much internet activism is ease of participation (slacktivism). Slacktivism can only go so far. As a similar example, this sub has 89 lemmy.ml subscribers, but most users have never commented or posted anything.

We can keep the lurkers/slacktivists, but it might benefit the ‘core team’ to have proper roles? I’m not entirely sure what the roles would be, but it has never been a problem at work to get workers to participate in the bosses schemes. Obviously a $$$ profit motive would be somewhat beneficial, but i’m sure there are volunteer mostly electronic organizations that do better work than pseudoanonymous internet groups. But when i’ve been in vaguely similar internet activists groups like this, we’re lucky if even 2 people/89 subscribers message the mods of a subreddit about a matrix bridge.

  • @atomicshrimp@lemmy.mlOP
    12 years ago

    Jitsi/video call meetings could be an asset. I’ve attended other volunteer meetings and some of them, like office meetings, are a waste of time that would be better served through text. Esp bc video calls requires interested parties to be online at the same time.