How to edit theme style in docker?

~# docker exec -it 9f3678b6218f /bin/bash OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: “/bin/bash”: stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory: unknown

How can this be solved?

    02 years ago

    Try docker-compose exec lemmy-ui sh, the container might not have bash. Also, any changes made this way will be gone after restart.

    • @aihao@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      I want to map the /app/dist/assets/css/themes directory in the container to the host lemmy directory. Thereby, the theme file in the container can be modified on the host machine. Added the following code in docker-compose.yml:

         - ./volumes/lemmy-ui:/app/dist/assets/css/themes

      After running the instance, no files appear in the host lemmy/volumes/lemmy-ui directory.

      So, what should I do to map the /app/dist/assets/css/themes directory in the container to the host lemmy directory? ? ?

            • @aihao@lemmy.mlOP
              2 years ago

              I change the database name to lemmyok in docker-compose.yml and lemmy.hjson, and use the command “docker-compose exec postgres psql -U lemmyok” and get " psql: error: FATAL: role “lemmyok” does not exist ",can’t enter PG.

              If I use the command docker-compose exec postgres psql -U lemmy without changing the database name, I can enter PG normally.

              Am I doing something wrong?

              What should be the correct solution?