
I know we differ somewhat in philosophy, but by and large, I think we’re pretty much on the same team. Personally, almost all my cooking is vegan anyway, and I love reading your recipes.

Feel free to take this down if you don’t though, no hard feelings.

  • bulbasaur@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Veganism isn’t a diet. You openly support and protect animal abuse in your comm.

    It’s silly to act like I’m baselessly accusing you. You know that milk comes from raping cows, stealing and slaughtering their babies so the babies can’t drink the milk, then slaughtering the mother at a fraction of her life when she’s no longer productive. You know this because I showed you. And yet, you discourage people from talking about this by tarring those who care as mean and unreasonable. Well, I think it’s mean and unreasonable to enslave, rape, and murder other oppressed people on the basis of their species and ability.

    If you don’t know, chickens are bred to grow unnaturally fast, so much so that they often break their legs under their own weight. They’re bred to lay a damaging and painful amount of eggs. Laying hens are separated from male chicks and the male chicks are all murdered in horrendous ways, such as maceration (put in a grinder), or thrown into plastic bags and suffocated under the weight of thousands of other tiny, helpless newborn chicks. Now you know, if you didn’t before. You can look it up and see for yourself. You can choose not to pay for this. You can choose not to make a space that protects people who choose to harm countless sentient beings in this way. You can fill your comm with this information and save lives. You can stop scolding people who speak up on behalf of the trillions of animals caught up in our violent, oppressive carnist system, and start speaking up for the silenced as well.

    But that would require you actually caring about non-human animals