I´m not sure if I´m the only one bugged out with this, but it would be nice to have either by default or an option to open links in a new tab with the regular left click.
At this point I lost count of how many times I opened a link from some news or something I found here and only remembered to come back after closing the tab. I know one could just middle click and be done with it, but other sites cough cough Reddit cough cough got me too used to this behavior and it would be nice to have some option for this.
This really would be great to be the default for link opening, rather than having to work around it with keyboard or browser settings etc
ctrl + left click is a good alternative, but target=”_blank” is better.
If using a desktop (or anything woth a mouse) middle click opens in a new tab on most browsers. This works on ALL links, not just on a site-by-site basis
Same can be done without a mouse using ctrl+click on Windows and Linux (usually), or cmd+click on macOS.
Two-finger tap also works on mobile Safari.