Don’t want to spam these comic clips too much, so if I find more, I’ll wait a little bit.
I, for one, welcome these comic overlords! Thanks for posting
I for one like Roman numerals.
These are great. Keep em comming.
Spam away. I’m reading them all in their voices.
I see Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver applying for the job.
I swear the alien in the middle with the spacesuit and fishbowl helmet looks familiar too. Anyone recognize the other applicants?
I don’t think it’s from anything, but it has kind of a similar look to Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet, so maybe that’s why it looks familiar.
Turns out it’s just the alien equivalent of someone you think you know but “just has one of those faces.” I ended up finding a few different artists that did something similar and I must just have seen them enough to vaguely remember them!
There’s a stock illustration, and stock cartoon, and a coloring book, and an original gallery all from completely different people!
I tried googling what I could for that middle alien, but no luck.
Also, I just want to say that I love your username.
I remember that movie but I don’t remember this scene lol. Why is he making that face? I think that outfit was from the end right?
I should probably just watch it again
Yeah this was after his “training” when he went with this as the unhinged-person equivalent of a superhero costume. He’s smirking at the rally he’s at but also trying to blend in by smiling and clapping, even though his new look makes him completely stand out.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but it is a total classic that’s worth a rewatch if you don’t remember it!
I’d go with Roberto.
The most hard to swallow part of this, is that Brannigan actually bothered to remember Fry’s name.
As much as I like the Bongo Simpsons comics, I was never into the Bongo Futurama comics, it feels like someone with a passing familiarity of the show trying to do the same kind of humor but not quite grocking the sauce.