Before & after. Ingredients labelled within the before photo. Apologies for poor quality ‘after’ photo. I didn’t take the pic with the intention of sharing, it was originally just for my own future reference.
Edit: after photo is in the body once you click on the post.
Edit2: the thyme could have been oregano 🤔.
Looks yummy! There’s something very aesthetically pleasing about the labelled before photo.
Where after photo
Might be an issue with your client, it should appear in the body of the post.
Sorry to say I’m not seeing after photo either, using sync
Edit: fixed itself while posting the previous comment, everything working now, and looks delicious!
Yeah I’ve noticed that with sync. Sometimes you need to open the post then refresh it or wait for it to update in the back.
Same thing happens with really long images. You open them and they are blurry, but enter the post, wait a moment, then open the image again and it’s full res
I can’t see it either.
Lovely! I’m gonna give this simple list a whirl with portobello in place of the steak and add marjoram & grapefruit zest. 🤌🏼
Sounds great. Love the suggested changes. Do you do anything else with marjoram & grapefruit? It’s not a combination I’ve heard of before but I can imagine it being a nice touch.
Did you slice the steak before cooking it?
I trim the steak into the smaller sizes you can see in the before photo, getting rid of any gnarly bits in the process then cook it before anything else. Cast iron pan, really hot, lightly season the steak and let it char on all sides without taking it too far. I move it round the pan each time it’s turned so the pan doesn’t over-smoke and the steak chars that bit quicker without cooking through. I then rest the steak, wrapped in foil, somewhere that isn’t cold while I cook everything else. Hopefully the steak is perfect when I come to slice and serve it but if it’s a little under then I stir it in with the onion etc for a couple of minutes after it’s been sliced.
Well done.
Well done!