It’s beyond insane to me that a $70 “AAAA” game (kidding, it’s AAA) dips down to the absurd price of $5. I’ve never seen anything like it. Wish the entire Sims 4 “collection” if you can call it that was $5 total, would be incredible, or Starfield.
It happens all the time on Steam and physical retail. Especially when the game is critically panned or is old enough that it’s not selling at the original price anymore.
Pretty funny to see the big budget “AAAA” games going from $70 to $5 in just a few months, while seeing an independent game like RimWorld never go on sale and have multiple DLCs that aren’t much cheaper than the base game because the former loses interest hella fast, while the latter seems to keep gaining popularity.
Instead of lowering their prices over time and so sales are less significant of a percentage, they keep the original price indefinitely and just have lots of sales. This makes the percentage off much higher than if they had depreciated the regular price as it should. Pretty common these days.
Rope people in with the base game discount and flood them with DLC is the EA way.
I was really tempted by the sale for BFV and BF2042 and a friend told me not to saying it’s EA owned and that’s bad 🥲
It’s about volume.
Selling a thing to a million people for $5 makes more money than selling it to a thousand people for $70.
They’ll most likely return the price to $70 before long, so they can pick up a few whales who miss this sale and aren’t patient enough to wait for the next one.
Then… Why not just price it correctly to begin with? Huh… I’d buy some of these newer games if they cost a reasonable amount. Starfield out here charging $70 for a 5.5/10 game