I’m having trouble staying on top of updates for my self hosted applications and infrastructure. Not everything has auto updates baked in and some things you may not want to auto update. How do y’all handle this? How do you keep track of vulnerabilities? Are there e.g. feeds for specific applications I can subscribe to via RSS or email?

  • tuxec@infosec.pub
    9 days ago

    There are a couple of things to cover here:

    1. Keep your software/containers up to date. You can subscribe to the GitHub repo and configure it to get notified for new releases and security alerts. Complementary, you can use RSS feeds, newteleases.io and/or WUD (What’s Up Docker) and add labels to your docker compose files. Personally, I check the notification once a week and change the version for all minor tools I’m using. If there is a major release (or new Immich version) I read the changelog and update instructions (if it’s the case).

    2. For container security scans, you can use Trivy, but the problem is that you don’t have a centralized overview of your scan results. For this you can use DefectDojo. Depending on the case/threat model, vulnerability management for self-hosted things might be overkill, but highly recommended of you want to learn more about this. It worth mentioning Trufflehog as secrets scanner and sops as a solution to encrypt sensitive data so you can push it to git/SCM.