The only very few, specific categories I didn’t find any explicit mentions of him doing in my 10 minutes of searching around were anti-Romani sentiment and social darwinism, and you’d be hard pressed to prove that everyone you’d probably otherwise consider a Nazi throughout history believed every single possible bullet point in this Wikipedia page.
If all this doesn’t make him a Nazi, then I don’t know what does.
Let’s look through your own Wikipedia link.
The union hating, multi-million dollar lobbying, vote-bribing billionaire totally supports actual democracy guys, trust me!
He actively supports Trump’s unitary executive theory and related policy goals.
Elon supporting an antisemetic tweet
He blames communism for making his trans daughter mad at him
He actively supports stopping aid to Ukrainians and ceding their land to Russia
Here’s him spreading scientific racism that claims people of European descent are superior
Elon refuses to enforce Twitter’s policies against homophobia and transphobia
Elon is a techno-eugenicist
He regularly promotes white nationalists online
The only very few, specific categories I didn’t find any explicit mentions of him doing in my 10 minutes of searching around were anti-Romani sentiment and social darwinism, and you’d be hard pressed to prove that everyone you’d probably otherwise consider a Nazi throughout history believed every single possible bullet point in this Wikipedia page.
If all this doesn’t make him a Nazi, then I don’t know what does.