Today marks my first day on lemmy after leaving Reddit after 3 years, I already like the platform I just wish their was a mobile app, and wish the mobile web support was a bit more polished but i understand it’s still in it’s earlier stages

    4 years ago

    I hate to break the circlejerk but Reddit is still better than Lemmy in many ways, often Lemmy is a disappointing step backwards. Reddit is:

    • Better UX and web-design. The content looks much nicer and more pleasant to read and follow.
    • JS free.
    • Great mobile support. I’m using Boost and it’s brilliant browsing experience.
    • Indexable, means you can use search engine to search reddit rather than rely and hope sites search is working.
    • Bigger communities, you can find subreddit for almost every niche.
    • Better media support.
    • Porn, reddit is brilliant for exploring pornographic fetishes and I hope there’s a pornographic lemmy instance in the future.
    • Weirdly enough Reddit feels more free sometimes.
    • Huge enhancement community ranging from greasemonkey scripts to whole addon suites (e.g. RES)

    The only negatives are:

    • Mainstream reddit propaganda and astroturfing, however if you avoid major subreddits and stick to niche forums as it was intended with the platform you’ll be fine.
    • Draconic administration that bans a bunch of perfectly fine subreddits, though this isntance of lemmy isn’t much better.
    • Hides down-voted comments and secret modlog (though there are 3rd party open modlogs out there).
    • 6 month archive kills a lot of long-term threads.
    • @anonaddy29@lemmy.mlOP
      04 years ago

      gotta understand lemmy is still a beta, and has a lot of potential moving forward. Although you are right about reddit having a better UX and web-design, but subs come with users, the more users the subs. Adoption only happens with pioneers. But one field lemmy does do good is privacy as it’s decentralized and soon to be connected to fediverse

        04 years ago

        Adoption only happens with pioneers

        Well said!
        Personally I think lemmy managed quite well to keep their politics under soft-wraps so to speak. The “empire” conspiracies rarely end up on front-page. I think of all reddit clones Lemmy has the best chance and it’s nice to see it unfold!

        I hope the maintainers find the strength to continue with this and launch federation soon — that’ll be huge for the platform. I really liked Prismo but it never managed to launch federation support, hopefully Lemmy managed to cross this step.

        Regarding UX I already wrote few greasemonkey improvements that make it a much better experience. I see few issues on github already but it seems to be low priority so maybe I should make my scripts sharable with other users 🤔