• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • A fighting game where you play an average Greek soldier on his way to becoming a hero.

    It starts where you have to kill 5 enemies in a battle and you get promoted. Then you have to kill 10 etc.

    You can upgrade your hero and the soldiers fighting under you. So you can choose to become a powerful lone hero or a hero and his men. If you don’t kill enough of the enemy you don’t advance. But if you go on a rampage and the battle is lost you also lose. Your performance influences the battle. So it might be that holding a bridge is more important than total kills for example.

  • Wanderer@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlImpossible
    11 months ago

    Freedom to assault and freedom of speech are two different things.

    I respect your right to say I got a goofy ass face and generalizing, pathetic, and small person. I’m truly happy you are able to do that. I just don’t think you disagreeing with me gives you the right to assault me.

    Obviously that thread was full of generalisations and that wasn’t a all women situation it was more about the everyday occurances of everday men. It was written like that for simplicity rather than needed to and “not all but a lot of” every 5 seconds. Still stand by the spirit if that point, which was the important thing.

  • Wanderer@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlImpossible
    11 months ago

    I don’t know who those first two people are.

    But speaking your mind isn’t proof of anything. The ability to speak freely is freedom of speech. I’ll support anyone that is for freedom of speech and i think everyone should have the right of freedom of speech as long as it doesnt impact someone elses freedoms.

    Trump. I’m not even sure what point you are making about freedom of speech, you seem to be talking about intent not about freedom of speech. I’m not actually familiar with the point you mean.

  • Wanderer@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlImpossible
    11 months ago

    People can hate or love whatever that bit of paper is.

    But freedom of speech (the meaning of those words not some law) is not something most of the world likes.

    The principal meme is that the bottom text is incorrect. He is wrong.

    But he isn’t wrong people do hate freedom of speech.

  • Wanderer@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlImpossible
    11 months ago

    People do hate freedom of speech though.

    A lot of people are very much against humans being free to speak their mind. They would like People to be incapable of that or they would like to be protected from it.

    What you are saying no way contradicts that.

  • Wanderer@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlImpossible
    11 months ago

    Why does a foreign country have the absolute say on a principle/ ideology/ human right whatever you want to call it?

    It doesn’t make sense. Are you telling me the ideology of freedom of speech only existed and only continues to exist because it is on a bit of paper written in a far away land?

  • My diet is maybe slightly better. Less beer for sure. My exercise has gone way down. Was in the gym ever week and playing multiple types of sport through school and uni. Then post uni was in the gym 5 days a week.

    But since then I lost weight. Just do a lot of walking and surfing now.

    Still even on my reduced exercise regimen I don’t know any women in my friendship group that do as much exercise as me.

  • Wanderer@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI would do that but with a baseball bat
    1 year ago

    No. Guys let themselves go also but I’m not interested in fucking them now or when I was 18 so I don’t care about their looks.

    The older you get the more your options go down.

    But from my friendship group the guys have aged a lot better. They all most all stayed the same weight, some lost some muscle mass I know I did. But a lot of the girls got fatter.

    It would be interesting to see the amount of exercise the average man does from 18-30 compared to women. I’d bet men do a lot more.

    Are you honestly going to say you think women do as much exercise as men? Or that you don’t know any girls from school in the “pretty group” that aged horrifically because they no longer have youth and never did any exercise.

  • It was a vote on whether one specific group of people based on race should have a say in parliament that no other race would have.

    A lot of people in Australia seen that as racist and a way to divide the population.

    Australians voted to remain in a system where everyone has an equal vote and voice in parliament.

    The headline is very obviously misleading and not what people who voted no actually thought.

    It’s important to note a lot of Aboriginals voted no and we’re campaigning for no. As such the left/internet whoever have jumped on the bandwagon about something they don’t understand.

  • I think society is doomed.

    It’s too connected and secure. No pockets of diversity can form instead everything is going to merge into one large mass.Then within the large groups the successful and determined aren’t rewarded enough as they are just apart of that mass.

    Idiocracy is right. Idiots with no jobs will have loads of kids.

    We need people to care about themselves and society again rather just caring about feelings. People don’t even care about their country and countrymen and willing to drop it at the first hint of something better.