No. I would be surprised if every American knew the answer, though. People tend to be ignorant about things they didn’t personally experience.
No. I would be surprised if every American knew the answer, though. People tend to be ignorant about things they didn’t personally experience.
What would lead to someone being outright denied to buy medication, even if they pay with their own money? I could see it for things opiates, but no one takes cancer drugs for fun.
Stocky, stout, barrel-chested? I’d say “buff” would fit, too, it definitely allows more leeway for bodyfat content than words like “athletic” or “ripped”. Also just the good old “very strong”.
“Dad-bod” seems like the worst of these, it can mean anything from “off-season bodybuilder” to “some guy who is kind of fat and isn’t particularly strong”.
He pretty much HAS to sell for lower to actually have a market - who buys from an illicit source if it’s not even cheaper than through the normal channels?
if he tried to sell through normal channels, he’d probably get slapped with patent infringements or similar legal bs.
“north americans”
Does the author really have knowledge of Mexican retail? I’m doubtful about their Canada knowledge, too, but that’s at least somewhat believable.
Wait, what’s the dichotomy here?
Judging by the communist revolutions we had so far, I’m not holding my breath for that.
Sure, but none of the economies we actually have (or recently had) work like that.
That’s what I was wondering. Capitalists didn’t invent exploitation of nature, it just so happened that its worldwide adoption coincided with unprecedented technological advances. There’s quite a few examples of historical societies that exploited nature as much as they could and suffered for it.
WTF indeed! I hate “smart” devices.
My fridge is far too old for beeping, my stove is pretty new but doesn’t do any beeps for base functions (maybe if I used the oven’s timer function, but I can’t be bothered to learn how that works), and my kitchen is far too small for stuff like microwaves or rice cookers (wouldn’t even know where to store a rice cooker when I’m not using it …).
My oven makes a click noise when it has reached temperature, not sure if that is intentional sound design or just inherent to the mechanism. They could probably have made it noiseless if they wanted to, so I suppose it’s doing the equivalent of a beep?
My toaster and kettle don’t beep … now that I think about it, I don’t have any device that actually beeps when it’s done.
But Starbucks coffee is also burned, but more because the beans are roasted too hard (which makes sense if you’re going to pour one espresso into a pint of milk, but it sucks if you drink it without milk).
That’s not true in most of northern, central or eastern europe, and arab coffee drinkers traditionally use neither.
It’s pretty obvious that the entire comic talks specifically about the US, so I didn’t think it was necessary to specify that in my comment.
That cop is a really good listener for a cop.
Where I live, cakes aren’t really a christmas thing … I suppose cookies might not really be “candy”, but they’re definitely sweets.
Yeah, protection from companies from hostile countries or just plain old anti-trust protection - France/EU can take their pick.
Surely, a Chinese takeover of a major game publisher would warrant intervention by european government authorities.
Why the fuck is its sound a beep instead of a click?
Not into the color scheme either, that’s way too bright.