Hi, I recently have started caring less about privacy and fell for convenience as I installed and started using Google and Huawei apps and services on my phone.

I am not sure what shifted my mind, I no longer feel like the companies are up to no good and that they spy on me in particular in harmful way. This might be because my mental illness has gotten better, which made me paranoid with some other things too.

Wanted to hear your thoughts regarding this decision and privacy, free software and mass surveillance. Am I being a fool “giving up” ? I know its important that journalists and politicians have privacy, but does it matter to me that I’m no longer sure of.

  • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
    64 years ago

    I think it’s better to focus on your mental health for sure. I also use Huawei and Google apps but I donate to GPL licensed privacy apps and use them with friends and family where there is interest to. I hope we’re the generation that experiences true privacy on the internet but if not we can lay the foundation for the next generation.