• @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
    13 years ago

    Why do you not inspect the intents and calls made to Firebase, since Signal is open source? If you can prove it, feel free to generate valid criticism instead of taking blindfolded shots.

    This post is not valid criticism of Signal, as much as I have felt spited by Cloudflare use in Signal.

    • @airikr@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      I can’t since I am only a web programmer. Instead, I gather information from valid sources and listen to what other people say.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
        03 years ago

        So OP did not even mention trackers, yet label post as trackers, and take it as valid source? This is called confirmation bias engagement. :)

        • @airikr@lemmy.ml
          3 years ago

          OP did mention trackers (look in the title of this post). But that title are wrong. So, so wrong. Firebase are not a tracker. I have only stated the fact that Signal uses Google and asked, “what did you expect?”

          If I have given any missleading information, I am sorry. I had just woke up when I posted my 2 first replies here. Am more awake now ^^

            • Helix
              23 years ago

              Glad that I scrolled down and found a proper answer :) You’re right. Google might track people using Signal this way, but it doesn’t mean they have access to information they don’t already have.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
                13 years ago

                It takes so much time to detangle these narratives pushed around, people thinking or in some cases claiming they have no idea. One wants to criticise, there is plenty legitimate stuff, but do not be a propagandist for the sakes of wanting to criticise.

                It hurts everyone in the end.