Did you know? - Spotify runs on Google servers.

How do I know? I get the same 403 error when I try to open Spotify and Google websites.

  • @gmate8@lemmy.mlOP
    63 years ago

    Since I just listen to songs there, I don’t see the potential danger. When Funkwhale will get more attention, I’ll create there an account too. (And maybe will switch). I have a FOSS app for listening podcasts. (AntennaPod) But I really start to think Spotify AI is shit because it recommends me songs I hate. I select songs for myself better like letting them do for me.

    • @gmate8@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      And I use a VPN, and a Spoti app for mobile, that has trackers nulled and ad-free made by a friend. I run Spotify as a Chromium web-app on desktop.