I can’t see how users can interact across servers?

On matrix I just join the room homed on another server but here how?

It seems like there are lemmy servers out there with no federation at all?

Overall I am not impressed.

    • @lemm1ngs@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      thanks for that

      so the only way to find communities and their posts on other instances is on them?

      and I need to bring the link back here to post or reply on them? :-/

      • @drop@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        No problem.
        You can sort the feed by “All” instead of “Subscribed”, which shows posts from all instances. The community list can also sort communities from all instances. You don’t need to go to the other instance’s site. You can view the posts for communities on other instances by clicking on them like you do with local ones.