I’ve recently tried to use peertube and I think it could improve a lot if it showed all the content in all instances. But instead you have to look around many instances to try and find something you like. Then there’s other thing, it can’t suggest content if it doesn’t know what you like and without sharing the data between the instances it doesn’t know anything about anyone. If the user data was encrypted and shared between all sites, when you log in it could use the now decrypted user data to suggest content. Or maybe it can share the data with third parties, I don’t really know.

  • @ajr@lemmy.mlOP
    2 years ago

    The point of federation is that each instance has it’s own unique selling point.

    Dividing instances by interests makes sense in sites like Mastodon but not in Lemmy because Lemmy already has a way to select what interests you. People like what the rest of the people use because they don’t want to marginalize themselves, so I guess there will always be one instance used by most and the rest used by few.