This should help us cut down on the trolls. We recommend other instances do the same, because they will likely be targeted also.

I apologize for all their gore-posts as well, no one should have to see that. We’ll try to look for more admins from different time-zones as well to get them faster.

The two other possibilities we have currently as options, are turning on required email verification, and as a last resort, closing signups. I personally would rather not do either, but they are options.

Many thanks to and for banning those trolls.

    12 years ago

    Reputation would just turn this into Reddit, where you can’t do anything or interact unless you use a single account or post what Reddit would like you to post.

      22 years ago

      Yeah I updated my statement, gave an example. Up until 5 posts. I think that is okay as a middle-way. The system is not meant as competition system or to farm something.