I heard in dino you could do that https://fosstodon.org/@dino/107787204408646020

I don’t have anyone to test it, but I’m guessing it’ll work as said. how about between apps like conversations, gajim and dino?

on each app pages the features aren’t clear whether it does these things.

also, for security reasons i’m thinking of when xmpp will implement something like totp.

  • ierOP
    12 years ago

    I see, i hope they do do that. thought when the dino account said “…compatible with other XMPP applications…” other xmpp applications might support it as well.

    • poVoqM
      32 years ago

      1:1 voice/video chat is well supported by Conversations, Movim and JSXC, and thus compatible with the new Dino functionality as well.

      Group calls are a bit of a different issue though. IMHO the pure p2p group calls that are currently implemented don’t make much sense as they don’t scale beyond 3-4 participants. You need a server side SFU to enable more participants.

      If you want to see how that would work once standardized try Jitsi Meet, which is a customized Prosody Xmpp server with a nonstandard SFU. It works well, but the nonstandard nature of it is the cautionary tale the other xmpp clients want to avoid.