• Arthur BesseOP
      32 years ago

      Is there an xmpp client would you would recommend as a slack replacement? Some things which make slack popular include:

      • full history on the server
      • fast search (across all channels in an organization)
      • integration with lots of 3rd party services
      • the above features working smoothly on both desktop and mobile

      As far as I know the free software viable slack alternatives currently are zulip, mattermost, rocketchat, and matrix (element). It isn’t that xmpp couldn’t do what slack does, but if there is a client that does I haven’t seen it.

      • poVoq
        2 years ago

        It is true that Slack like chat work-spaces are not a strong point of XMPP (it shines as a personal messenger), but you can set up a system that fulfills nearly all your requirements (I think search is only per room), with ConverseJS Fullscreen (or Movim), a Prosody server and the newish webhook component. Or with Gajim and Conversations as separate clients.

        P.s.: “smoothly on mobile” & element ??? The Mattermost mobile client is also not exactly great. In that area at least XMPP is clearly better.

      • kwj
        12 years ago

        You can try Movim, I think it’s most alike from all Xmpp clients.