So this is completely on me:
I installed Arch
I installed the plasma desktop without any additional programs
I installed sddm and told it to launch plasma desktop
I rebooted
And it did what I told it to do perfectly:
I’m now within plasma desktop.
I have no terminal emulator installed, so no way of accessing a command line from within the GUI.
Whenever I reboot, I get put back into plasma desktop.
I tried to switch to a different tty with Ctrl+Alt+F-keys but that key combo seems to be used for additional desktop sessions instead (shows me the sddm login again).
I tried creating a shell script that launches pacman and installs a terminal, but I can’t, since I don’t have a text editor installed.
[Edit: Solved. I was able to go to a different tty after disabling function keys]
Launch your installation media again, get your internet connection set up, mount your current install, chroot into it, finish installing the things you forgot, reboot, profit.
This. Always have a spare arch usb laying around for times like these.
How don’t you have any tty?
Maybe your function keys are set to be multimedia at the bios.
Another alternative is to boot from usb, chroot and install a terminal
Thanks, checked that already. Yeah, booting from USB is a good solution. But now, I’m determined to fix this from within ;)
That’s basically the one universal solution… And after chrooting, you are “inside” your system cough
Launch Dolphin if you have it installed and press F4.
Edit grub at boot time if you are using it, wrote emergency at the end of the line.
If you have installed X, then check to see if you can select another session in sddm to launch X own window.
There are other ways to do it as well, f.eks. with kdesu and alt + f2
I see you got it fixed and other people told you about chroot, so you’re all good for now. FYI, next time you install, follow the wiki. There’s a package that they tell you to install during the initial setup that includes all the basic things you’ll need, like terminal, a browser, etc. If you skip that then you will definitely have issues like this.
Alt-F2 or similar maybe gets you a run dialog or alternatively pass the “init=/bin/bash” option to the kernel.
That Plasma is not letting you move to a new tty is “interesting”…bad KDE! cookie for you!
Definitely an issue with their setup, not with Plasma in general. I can move to a new tty without any issues.
You should still have vi installed by default. I would go the arch-chroot route, but if you can use alt+F2 to search programs, perhaps you can find vi. If yes,
executes terminal commands. So either you can leave yourself a line in .xprofile to halt you before x loads sddm (or some other tricky thing like that) OR you could do :!pacman -SI’m a suckless-st guy myself, but you’ll need a browser to get to it one way or another.
It’s been a long time since I ran arch, forgot how good arch-chroot was for unfucking things I fucked.