The the paprika3 app, it has a in apo browser where you can find the recipe you want and yhen hit the download button to save only the recipe. You still have to trawl thtough the shit the forst time but when you come to make it again its all just sat there waiting nicely for you
The the paprika3 app, it has a in apo browser where you can find the recipe you want and yhen hit the download button to save only the recipe. You still have to trawl thtough the shit the forst time but when you come to make it again its all just sat there waiting nicely for you
What? You don’t have to trawl through any shit in Paprika. I don’t even wait for the page to load the “accept cookies” dialogue.
Navigate to a recipe of interest, hit the download button in Paprika. Bam! There is the recipe, ingredients and description only, no fluff.
If you don’t want to save the recipe because you don’t like it, just discard and don’t save.