We forgot to write a development update last week, so we are including last week’s work in this update as well.


Worked a lot these last two weeks on readying Moving SQL views to diesel for production, including pushing a v0.9.0 release candidate to our federation test servers, to make sure everything works. We’re looking to deploy this within 1-2 weeks. Its been about a month and a half of work, and touched nearly every part of lemmy and its UI.

  • Did lots of query performance testing, and added a lot of SQL indexes to get performance of every major query down to < 30ms.
  • Fixed site counts to only count local users, communities, and posts.
  • Added API docs for the Lemmy API v2, opened an issue on lemmur to support API v2.
  • Fixed an issue with nodeinfo openRegistration field
  • Fixed some issues with drone, including our tagged docker release process.
  • Fixed a stack-overflow bug having to do with post url searching.
  • Lots of fixes to lemmy-ui to get websocket notifs, mentions, private messages, and comment replies working correctly.
  • Fixed sidebar icon link wrapping


I didn’t get a lot of coding done because of some personal stuff, and because I was hesitant to make major changes with the database rewrite underway. For those reasons I focused on smaller bug fixes, and other areas such as documentation.

  • Various tasks towards compliance with the ActivityPub standard:
    • Posts, comments etc from another community are now marked as deleted on fetch, even when we didn’t receive the delete activity
    • Thought about how to improve our error handling, so a database error NotFound correctly returns HTTP 404 (so far I didn’t find a good solution)
  • Debugged and finished a PR which ensures that comments are always delivered to the author of the parent comment/post (with help from @dessalines)
  • Moved documentation into separate repo, and setup a way to translate it
  • Simplified the slur filter, removing some terms which were giving false positives in different languages, and others that were really uncommon
  • Added a flag to Cargo.toml to speed up builds (debug=0)
  • Wrote a script to measure Lemmy compilation time, so that I can make a comparison between Lemmy v0.8.10 and v0.9.0 (the new version should be a lot faster)
  • Adda
    193 years ago

    Lemmy is actually the only “social networking site” I have ever been using on a day-to-day basis. I am quite surprised by how often I open Lemmy just to see what’s new, even though I am not so active in the comments and don’t post anything myself yet, but I am really enjoying my time here. Thanks for all the wonderful work.