I have a Wordpress site and recently ran into the problem of having too many images for my hosting services. But my job involves photography, so I was wondering where a good starting point would be to set up a physical server in my home to host all my photos for my website on Wordpress. Is that possible? I don’t know where to begin with searching either.
I know this is self hosting, but I would probably just drop them in a S3 bucket with static hosting enabled and be done with it. Never have to worry about availability or big transfers eating up your upload at home. Probably wouldn’t cost more than a dollar a month.
OP, please do this. If you are dealing with other people’s photos professionally, a home server is in no way adequate storage for that except as part of a proper backup policy (3, 2, 1 or something else with redundancy).
My concerns right now are this is the second time I’ve had space issues with my hosting service and when something goes wrong, it’s easy to diagnose which service is causing it (wordpress or host). Do those concerns sound valid for what you’re suggesting?
An S3 bucket won’t have a hard cap. You pay a small amount monthly based on how much storage you use. Here’s a good guide I found: https://pawlean.com/2020/07/15/how-i-use-aws-s3-to-host-images-on-my-blog/