Will they finally accept that the Earth is round, or will they say that it’s fake and the windows on the space stations are monitors?
Will they finally accept that the Earth is round, or will they say that it’s fake and the windows on the space stations are monitors?
“These aren’t windows, they’re just sophisticated high resolution 3D monitors. NASA has had this tech for decades, they’ve just never let the secret out. You’re not seeing the Earth, you’re seeing a video. Why can’t we go see it with our own eyes outside? Exactly. Seems very convenient we’re being asked to wear suits with image projection helmets.”
You will never win with people this fucking stupid.
They could try the airlock
What I don’t understand is let’s say it is flat. Why would they go to such lengths to lie that it’s round? For what purpose.
This question debunks 99% of conspiracy theories, but they’ll just give some non-answer like “power” or “control.”
Don’t get me wrong. I do love a good conspiracy, but it needs to have plausible motivation and a mountain of evidence
Hell, I’ll even accept the ones without a mountain of evidence against them as possible.
The shape of the Earth was determined by evidence noticed in the ancient Greek time, if not sooner. That includes a rough calculation of the diameter of the planet.
and also the flip side: who the fuck cares if it’s flat and the government is lying about it?
I think they have this paranoia that the entire humanity turned against their religious belief. Like what benefit is there to changing the world’s shape for nasa, or anyone?
Literally every flat earther is outright retarded.