Description: A recent change over the course of the last two weeks led to re-visiting, re-logging-in users. Recaptcha is now injected and compromising a machine's identity on every single l...
I’ve read that (and installed the app) and there seems to be no way to use my own mail or Cal-/ CardDAV server. Is their server software also open source?
Use Tutanota and don’t say non-senses
The Tutanota App seems nice but sadly it also only works with their non-free network service. Edit: They have way better pricing though.
I’ve read that (and installed the app) and there seems to be no way to use my own mail or Cal-/ CardDAV server. Is their server software also open source?
They cant read your emails or contacts. No, other email service will not work
If you send or receive plaintext emails they can read them if they want or have to.