Availability. It’s easy to shill say midwest.social to other lemmings bc you’re already both on a lemmy.


lemmy is a reddit alternative, so it would make sense to shill lemmy on reddit, but i don’t see that happened for some unknown reason.

  • K4mpfie
    2 years ago

    I think that has multiple reasons:

    • People come here because they are fed up with Reddit. Be it the users, the content or their policies. Also I am not sure where I would advertise Lemmy. I only found it because I was interested in alternatives and happen to stumble over it when Reddit fucked up some new policies
    • Lemmy is not yet as intuitive as Reddit especially when it comes to apps. It’s hard to sell to new users. Also the Fediverse is a pretty daunting thing at first and requires some reading into
    • The political climate might not speak to the vast majority of users.
    • There is not yet a critical mass to attract users. Most instances are rather quite
      edit: formatting