• tomtom@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Federation increases censorship resistance. I do not think it necessarily decreases privacy, although having metadata strewn across multiple servers may be a risk. Still, I think the comparison with email is a bit of a strawn man argument, since it is not only the federated nature of email which makes it easy to surveil but also the fact it is unencrypted by default.

    Moreover, email these days is concentrating in the hands of a small number of providers (gmail, etc).

    XMPP seems a lot more distributed at this point in time.

    • Dreeg Ocedam@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Federation makes it much harder to keep metadata private, though you could technically achieve the level of privacy found in Signal, it’s not easy.

      In practice, Signal is a lot better at protecting your metadata than Matrix and XMPP.

      Now that matrix has a lot of different clients and implementation, of would be super hard for them to implement something like Sealed Sender, which Signal was able to deploy very easily. I find it very unlikely that matrix will end up fixing its privacy issues. While Signal will be able to evolve and fix them. They are currently working on usernames for example.