Should be “communicate” vs “talk,” but the underlying message is pretty clear: Unvaccinated kids love Ouija boards.
Should be “communicate” vs “talk,” but the underlying message is pretty clear: Unvaccinated kids love Ouija boards.
I, admittedly, didn’t know.
I keep trying to get into Rust, but I think the scoping rules keep deterring me. So, I got into Go instead.
Great write-up. I had similar problems with trying to get Linux; lots of manual work to keep it running. Even more so with Manjaro/Arch.
The breaking point was not being able to use a Sound Blaster audio card. Spent hours on that before just getting a simple external device for audio. Sounds not as good.
Sometimes I just want to get something done and not fuss with it.
On that big, beautiful frame? (kidding)