Art loving freedom adoring supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Hello RoundSparrow, and again thank you for your help when I was in trouble setting up my little instance!

    It runs well now :-)

    Just as a backdrop I’m curious about how Lemmy works (I’m building a sharing protocol & implementation, decentralised, takedown safe, rugged, … It feels like how Lemmy is built on top of its protocol) and I love Lemmy and how it “federates” 💗 so I want to know more about it all.

    When you say packages get forwarded to whatever instance wanted (if I understand correctly) you don’t “unpack” (e.g check if it’s a valid request) which seems logic, the end instances does do the security check right? I mean if the end instance doesn’t check, you checking won’t help them out.

    But then again, if I understand you correctly, the trust is split in two; the poster from A posting on B, then B sending all its posts to C, D, E, …

    Which would mean it’s enough to trust B to trust A. If you trust B enough :-)

    Guess I’m off to learn Rust and try to compile all this :-)

    Thanks again, and sorry for the ramblings. It’s late here and I have not very much time.

  • Ha ha yeah it’s not easy peasy when you start with these kind of things for sure, thanks for the link! It seems it shows the day to say stuff (and the pubkey embedded in the json) thanks again.

    So if I want to validate a user outside of the Lemmy service (the one that runs in a docker on my lemmy-box), I “just” have to get the public key from the Lemmy database and validate the digest/signature?


  • My man, thank you for staying with me!

    If anyone stumbles upon this post and have the same problem ; the conf file you use if you follow the official Docker setup (lemmy.hjson) well, you get an example version with one of the wget commands. This file has the bare minimum config wise, so if you want to get the “full” one and get your hands dirty, download the sources (or go to the github and navigate like a pro) and it is here :


    Thanks again Grouchy!


  • Urgh, yeah.

    I use the ‘official’ Jerboa app and the web interface and duuude is it a Hassle to add a sole unknown community!

    I’m doing them all for what I know ; pasting different link types into jerboa search, pasting the instance, !first, /c/ … Going to web UI, doing the same, doing the or what the correct thing is (I have it somewhere) and obviously it still doesn’t work.

    For like 30 minutes.

    Then it “just works” 😅

    It would be great if admins at least (I can see the possible abuse if anyone can force-feed communities to the instance, but well they can today so… ) can add communities to their instances by some “add-list” the server grabs quickly (I know we can by subbing to them but see above, it sure is not easy). Could be cool to be able to grab a bunch of fun communities, or art communities, or sport communities or whatever someone shares, and just force feed them to your instance.

    I thought whitelisting was something along those lines, I sure was surprised 🙂.

    Great job though Lemmy Developers, I’m quite sure Lemmy will roam the internet for ever!

  • Putting a fan after another will up pressure (doubling in theory), but not displace more air. Except if the air has to go through something slowing it down where more pressure will help to push more air through it.

    There are obviously lots of variables at play (the extra fan takes up space too, reducing airflow for example) so you are surely right that it’s probably useless or worse to have a “double fan” for a PC cooling system, but the fans being in perfect sync is just a noise problem (on small fans like this).