Sure just give me your credit card number for… Security purposes
Sure just give me your credit card number for… Security purposes
Pretty much dead on.
Million isn’t that big of a dollar amount when you look at cost of living
Did you hit the wrong group?
I’m sorry you’re on lemmy so either you are fully against or fully in support of something… Nothing in between
Give up. Block them. Move on. There is zero possibility of changing them.
So the country that is partially responsible for the Geneva Conventions is the country we are going to try to annex?
Well… Canada remember - it’s never a war crime the first time.
Side note: when a Canadian stops saying sorry… run!
Vehicle makers that angle their hood in a way where it seriously blocks what you can see at the front right corner of the vehicle. Instead of slanting the hood down it’s straight out. Making it very difficult to see the curb when making a turn.
Also subscription fees on cars
Non repairable products parts on cars
Never pulled that prank
A prank that I did pull. Was one where I knew a guy who couldn’t keep from speaking Or repeating what he hears. So I used that to my advantage. I started out with actually really funny jokes which I knew he would repeat. Then I started telling jokes that were somewhat funny but not hilarious. And I knew he would repeat them. Then I just started saying crazier and crazier stuff to see if he would repeat it.
Had this going for about three or four months. Then one day he figured out what I was doing. Now he doesn’t repeat stuff. It was fun while it lasted. Good times.
Never did this.
You asked, I’ll answer.
Find someone who thinks they are getting promoted. Tell them they’ve got the job. That when their boss left for lunch… That the boss actually just got fired. Convince them to pack up bosses office.
Don’t do this unless you want to lose a friend
Go to bed at 9 pm. Get used to going to bed at that time. Your body will adjust.
All of those things are important, and no, we don’t have to fix them all at the same time, but let’s fix one of them. choose , which one do you wanna fix first. Then let’s start working on it. That is true if we try to tell the average person out there to work on all these, it’s too much it’s overwhelming. They’re not gonna try but if we focus Then there’s possibility.
I have.
Edit : on multiple occasions
Food is a bad example because it will never have a subscription fee on it.
The point of my post was if there’s any way reasonably that you can get around not buying it, then just don’t buy it.
That’s why I chose a microwave. Do you really have to have a microwave? Not really
do you really have to have a TV to watch TV? No you don’t have to watch TV.
Do You really have to have an electronic alarm clock? No.
Headphones same thing, …
Are there instances where you might not have any choice? Yeah of course. But the vast majority of purchases do not fall in that category. That’s my point. If there is a realistic way to not buy something then don’t.
Car is a great example: do you really have to buy a NEW car? No. You are choosing to buy a new car. There’s used cars out there.
Don’t need to know the ins and outs of every industry. Just ask a couple of simple questions: does this have a subscription fee? Do I really have absolutely no other choice but to buy this item?
Not sure why that would be tough for people to ask.
You laugh, but as a business owner, if I have people tell me they won’t buy because of x, and i am watching customer after customer walk out empty handed… I’d be an idiot to not fix the problem.
So how is that not voting?
If people as a whole would do this how does it not fix the problem?
I would disagree. If I just don’t buy anything and don’t say anything, you’re right that’s not voting. But if I go into just for example, a car dealership, I noticed that all the cars have subscription fees on them and then I tell the general manager that the reason I’m not buying is because of the subscription fee. That is voting.
The same goes for a stereo receiver. If I walk into Best Buy to buy one, and I noticed they’ll have subscription fees, and I tell the general manager of Best Buy that I’m not buying because of this that is voting.
If I call up Denon or Yamaha or or one of the other companies I say hey do you have a receiver that doesn’t have a subscription? And then they tell me no theyall do I tell them well then I just won’t buy any of them that is voting.
Sort of true.
Ex: my dvd player broke and the only replacement is an always on player worth a subscription fee. Do I really have to have a new player? No
Can I go do something other than watching movies? Yes
Is it going to mean I’m going to be homeless or lose my job of I don’t have one? No
Then leave it on the shelf.
Microwave: do I need to have one? No. We went for thousands of years without one. Leave it on until shelf.
Alarm clock… go to a pawn shop and find one that is older. There is no reason to buy one with a subscription fee. Your grandma might have an old mechanical one. Leave it on the shelf
Refrigerator might be a hard one to get around, but look for one without the sub fee or the always on concept.
Stereo receiver look for an older one or go without. Leave it on the shelf. If there is a subscription fee leave it
Ask yourself: is there a way around not having it. If there is then go without if needed.
TV breaks: well if they all have subscription fees then say f it and done buy a new one.
Yes but ONLY because people keep buying the shit. People vote with their wallets. If people would stop buying it companies would stop doing it.
No alternative but to leave, OK great so which country is going to give up their land so the Palestinians can have a big enough place to call their own country?