is there anything android auto compatible?
is there anything android auto compatible?
i think when they rebranded as alphabet, they repealed that corporate philosophy.
i would much rather have a chinese ev with that long range battery tech and framework than an american car company’s ev option not including tesla which i don’t even consider a car company. they’re a shit tech company that makes shit cars shittily.
my view on it lies in two seperate buckets:
and just to be clear, i don’t see piracy as inherently evil or anticapitalistic. there have been several books and apps that i pirated that i liked and converted to an actual buyer to get more books in the series or get updates to the program.
voting is absolutely worth the squeeze when you do it. however voting also is heavily dependent on a voting base that is both highly engaged in the process and is knowledgeable about the issues.
so when you have elections where:
voting completely defeats the purpose. because the end result is not one based on actual facts, it’s an outcome manufactured by vested interests with near infinite resources given the petina of legitimacy by playing on the fact that people were freely given a choice. more times than not there’s enough people who are paying attention to overcome that deficit in the ability to message. but the times when it does not it goes really wrong.
I’m glad for them.
they don’t make electric vehicles. they make human sized battery powered over engineered poorly designed toys that were somehow street legal.