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I was talking to my brother in law about this. His position approximates this article. While I agree this may not be intentional spying (never proven in court ) on Apple’s part they at a minimum did not account for this huge engineering problem on the back end where Siri couldn’t decipher between key words and background noise. Maybe don’t push products that aren’t robust? Especially since this law suit started in 2019 when voice tech was still (still is) in an infancy.
The Paleozoic era ended with the P-T extinction - the Great Dying - when about 80-90% of marine life died, but more marginal survival rates were found on land. Dycodont therapsids (two tusked proto-mammals with reptile body plan and leg splay) , predatory amphibians, and diapsid reptiles (reptiles with advantageous openings on the skull, all modern birds and crocs have this for example) all survived to varying degrees. Into the Mesozoic reptiles would continue to adapt to a rebounding ocean seen in species such as ichthyosaur. On land, conifer trees began to take hold and mosquitoes evolved to become a pest for the next 230 million years.
This is all to say we don’t really know what any of these guys looked like, maybe like how this comic portrays, checks don’t fossilize unfortunately.
I was a youngling when this happened but rereading about this event 20 years later… we’ve seen nothing like it. I think the most interesting fact from this earthquake/tsunami is that the Indian Ocean’s volume permanently decreased as a result of sea floor movement, producing a rise in the global sea level by an estimated 0.1 mm.
This event also improved tsunami warning systems throughout the Indian Ocean and Indonesia, hopefully if an event like this happens there will be a lot more notice given.
Meanwhile the US only increased capacity in pumped hydroelectric by 2.1 Gw between 2010-2022 for a whopping 22 Gw total capacity. Hydroelectric generally hovers about 28% of total renewable energy electricity generation.
The biggest problem (in the US) has been a lack of investment in new pumped hydroelectric projects not connected to improving existing dam infrastructure. Permitting huge new projects is unattractive but smaller ones in geographically/geologically favorable places like with most of the new sites being planned in California and Arizona will grow in the next 10 years.