Every time I’ve had a windows install come with my computer, there has been a sticker somewhere with the serial key. I’ve even been able to reuse that key for other computers before.
Every time I’ve had a windows install come with my computer, there has been a sticker somewhere with the serial key. I’ve even been able to reuse that key for other computers before.
I have simforge pedals, vrs direct drive wheel, a Chinese knock off h pattern shifter, and a moza Hand break. The hand break is the only one that works without any tinkering. I couldn’t get the pedals to work at all, and the wheel doesn’t register properly so I haven’t been able to get that working either sadly.
I wish I could fully abandon my windows partition, but sadly my sim racing peripherals don’t all work on Linux, and I bought those before I started thinking about switching.
I accidentally bought a game that didn’t have English in the region I bought it in and they wouldn’t refund me.