Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • True, but it has always been a part of the Russian mind set that they are a master race and have a full right to veto their neighbors sovereignty, by force if necessary. Although saying this we must remember that not all who live inside Russian borders truly consider themselves Russian. It’s a big country with a large ammount of different ethnicities. Many that are treated like second rate citizens or even subhumans. There are “Russians” and then there are Russians. In this case I’d take the innocence of the common man with a grain of salt.

  • I’d make a slight change that nobody I personally know would understand or care to try to understand.

    If universe is expanding that means further away something is the faster it moves away from you. At some point that will cross the speed of light. This can be thought as an event horizon.

    If expansion of the universe is accelerating it means that this event horizon will eventually start to come closer.

    Like event horizon of a black hole this horizon will also radiate Hawking radiation, but inwards.

    When the inside volume of this event horizon gets small enough, will the mass energy of the Hawking radiation get strong enough to counteract the expansion of the universe and form a stable bubble that wound produce baryonic matter inside the bubble from the massive energy density that gets released from the event horizons grip.

    Could this be analog to big bang type event and can the interaction of the bubble with outside universe give us a sensible model of the early inflation.