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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • It’s a decent machine for the money but compared to its competitors from gaggia and rancilio what they lose in fancy programming or the pid or the easy steaming (which is still way off mine) they gain in actually having an opv (depending which one you have), build quality and self service.

    I’ve seen far too many people have issues with breville stuff and then problems returning it. It’s not that good ones don’t exist it’s just that more reliable does.

    To put your seven years into perspective I should be getting 30 to 40 years out of mine with some regular servicing.

  • While at university I did a lot of work on the SPARCs and this lead to Unix development as an early career for me. I moved into the windows world after that and I missed Unix so I picked up Linux around 98. I installed it on my work laptop of all things and made everything I needed work. Never looked back since although I run Windows VM for office and testing stuff.

  • tankplanker@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlTIL
    11 months ago

    One of my favourite wars was to open audio files on other people’s SPARCs, somebody had the loudest bag pipe music that usually ended things.

    Access to the SPARCs was normally restricted to third year but if you knew the right person you could get an account created pretty easily. Had the fastest access to the internet at the time within the uni as well.

  • While I really dislike Amazon I can email ebooks including pdfs and epubs direct to my kindle, I don’t even need to go get it and plug it in and I can do this from my phone if I want.

    If I have something really funky I can use calibre to convert and then email, or if it’s really big I can always plug it in and transfer directly.

    There are a lot of reasons to not like Amazon products but the kindle is actually pretty good considering who makes it.

  • When you push all the blame onto Larson without looking at the wider picture then you are very clearly and very loudly showing your bias.

    Do you really think Disney of all film companies does not have a predefined media strategy that the actors have to follow? Disney decided that the girlboss meme was marketable and profitable, hence bullshit like the epic mess of the last SW trilogy that showed they have no idea how to make a character relatable or likeable if its a woman in a lead action role.

    Blaming Larson for not correctly engaging fans for the mess that is Captain Marvel is like saying the Rock is at fault for Black Adam as he did the same. While the Rock is a terrible actor he is one of the most engaging actors currently working and brings his own dedicated fan base. That all fell apart when it came to the god awful shitshow that was Black Adam, both the pompous unlikable character and the boring and dull film, very similar to Captain Marvel.

    You’re ire should be strictly reserved for Disney and DC for their lack of understanding of how to write films, if the Rock cannot save it, no actor could have saved either role.

    Disney just do not understand what the characters are, witness them making Peter Parker into Iron man nano bot edition with powers, complete with worldwide fame and buckets of cash. So hard did they fuck that up they had to MacGuffin their way out of that with the shitty global mind wipe. But even that terrible decision was saved from the by bringing back likeable and engaging characters from the previous films and iterations. Take out the mind wipe crap and add in almost any other multi verse cross over trope and it still works, take out the ability to bring back old characters from the multi verse (or similar MacGuffin) and the film would just absolutely stink.

  • Marvel made this bed when they did End Game 2. Not that End Game 2 is a bad movie in isolation, just that some of the choices of that film really fucked up long term story telling. When you start doing multi verse or timey wimey bullshit to get out of killing characters you remove any consequences or value from killing off characters. Once you remove the permanence from doing so, and its particularly clear that after the shake out it was done to write out two of the more expensive actors who both feuded over money, you remove it from all other character deaths, as you can no longer trust that they will not just bring somebody back at a later point. Never kill off a character you do not want permanently dead, it just removes any danger that character faces.

    This is a big part of the problem with Kang, we know he will not die despite any deaths on the road to the end of the big Avengers pay off, kind of makes his whole build up a bit pointless, unless they going to have him start permanently killing people on his way, which I am really unsure that will happen. Then the other big problem with Kang is his casting as Majors is just proven to be trouble on and off set, at least he hasn’t gone full Ezra yet.

    Marvels biggest problem is Captain Marvel just lacks any character, shes too focused on being the invincible Superman but without anywhere near enough Clarke Kent to ground that character for audiences. Its left Brie Larson hardly any space to engage the audience. Sure, we all want the huge super strong pay off scene such as when Thor came for Thanos in Wakanda as that was awesome, but it only meant something because we had already engaged with Thor in his more vulnerable moments, and he had real suffering on his way to his climatic appearance. Making characters too strong just ends up making them unlikable.

    Couple this with lazy and often just plain bad writing, terrible CGI, and an over reliance on MacGuffins to dig out of self made holes created to impose any sort of peril, and its no wonder Marvel is struggling…

  • He was also significantly over weight during this period with little exercise and, in a high stress job (not that it stopped him from his afternoon naps).

    He also caught COVID quite early on (Late March), which was no surprise as he liked to attend parties when all this was going on, and was hospitalised for one on one care early for preventative care including oxygen back when oxygen was being restricted for preventative care.

    I am not suggesting the PM shouldn’t have had the best care available, more that hes proven to lack empathy of anything he hasn’t experienced himself, so is highly unlikely to understand just how overloaded the NHS was at this point and that his experience was anything other than privileged.

  • For Buffy they recut the shot often using the raw footage, and they did so very cheaply so film equipment was often visible. They also didn’t address how bad the make up looked in HD, but then soft focus face filters are also garbage.

    The Simpsons when they tried they cut the frame, which is just laughably bad as it removed information and the context for scenes.

    When the Wire was done they got David Simon back to work on the conversion, he considers it a completely different cut of the show. I think this is the only way to do it as it means re framing the shot, this is a decision for the director, editor, and DP IMO

    AI making shit up to add to the frame removes the context for the shot. Nothing wrong with black bars for me, I just want good colour balance and upscaling.

  • Starlink, mostly because of Musk being Musk, but also because the replacement schedule of the satellites is against what I would prefer for a more sustainable service. Yeah I am well aware of why they replace them that often but I would rather they didn’t.

    I only use the service as I travel in a RV a lot, 4g/5g just cannot compete for high speed internet in the middle of nowhere or even the middle of somewhere, and that’s with a proper roof mounted and powerful external aerial. Cost vs. Other mobile satellite services starlink is just massively cheaper for large amounts of data. It seems expensive compared to 4g or 5g but it really isn’t when compared to satellite services.

  • The one that got me with them was when they banned third party screenshot tools from using the default screenshotting hooks. They cited security concerns, which is valid as it stops malware from hijacking this, however rather than adding the ability to add to a user controlled allow list (or any other potential workaround) they just rejected working with anybody on fixing this issue. Instead it came off as a transparent attempt to push their own screenshotting tool.

  • One a day in the winter, I try and time it for after I work out, otherwise it ends up being two showers, same if I have to do a lot of jobs round the house.

    Two a day in the summer with the second shower being cold/cool water at night before bed. There is zero chance I want to get into a clean bed being all sticky and sweaty, and zero chance I go anywhere in the morning without a shower.