you’ve bought a vps server, then after that you played around with it and made your first website and decided to make your own social media. you feel like having everything you’ve ever wanted to own because you can do whatever with it. and then come to the realization in which you have no idea what to do with your social media platform. how do you start a community?

  • SubversivoB
    73 years ago

    If you want a community, you should define what kind of first.

    Your friends: invite them.

    Topic related: invite the people you know and announce the instance on places this community hangs.

    Location based: invite the people you know and announce the instance on this place, using online and offline tools.

    • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      I’ll probably make a community for literature. most of which focused on fiction. I expect once I made this a thing nobody would know about it hence there wouldn’t be any members in the club. what things can help growing the user base

      • SubversivoB
        3 years ago

        You can invite people who hang on other literary communities, pointing the advantages of the fediverse. But we already have some communities as that on fediverse like and

        So, I suggest you should think about what makes your unique. Maybe creating a Lemmy community, as I can’t find one, to provide a new kind of user interface.

        [Edit] BookWyrm is a “test instance”. hosting a public instance open to all should be a good contribution as well.