Recently I saw that F-Droid got version 1.13 and I’m wondering why F-Droid doesn’t suggest to update the application if I have version 1.12.1. Is 1.13 unstable or is it pre-release?

  • Ephera
    3 years ago

    I mean, for what it’s worth, it’s not either like their alpha-versions are super unstable.

    They did still include feature-changes going from 1.13-alpha1 to 1.13, so maybe they have a super lightweight model of releasing the version and if no bugs are found in a month or so, then everyone gets upgraded to that.

    • @gbjkwhsmbdphglnpmsxk@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      You may be right but there always will be bugs on more or less devices so it would be difficult for them to release version that have no bugs at all.