• Helix
    3 years ago

    Sure, Element has changed a lot, but not regarding the discordification discussed in the linked Issue. You can go through and compare, but most features on this list are prioritised for end of 2021/ start of 2022. They’re only getting traction since a year or so.

    I’m following Matrix development closely and have written proprietary connectors to third party software. Matrix is great but there’s no feature parity with Discord yet. I don’t need it as I use Mumble for voice, Jitsi for video, both are already possible to integrate into Matrix.

    But I also dislike you trying to disprove my point by an irrelevant metric. At least do your research before you claim a lot has changed when most of it is still work in progress. Matrix will be there™ very soon. It’s just not there now.

    • @lemm1ngs@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      irrelevant metric? that’s an interesting reality you have going there, watch you don’t step outside cause it might break. You give no proof to your claims unlike I did. Looking at the list many of the unticked features have already been implemented, maybe most of them. I could go through one by and one with proof but won’t bother as you clearly have not either.