• Sr Estegosaurio
    143 years ago

    That is a big Oof. But yeah, PM is far from being perfect. I use it bc:

    1. Better tan Gmail & etc
    2. Unable to selfhost email :c

    But one thing, how secure will be to selfhost your own eMail? If I selfhost one, which will be the most secure & private teaks that I can apply?

    • Lessgoo
      53 years ago

      Have you considered disroot mail? It’s what I use and it’s awesome

    • @blank_sl8@lemmy.ml
      53 years ago

      If you selfhost the email on your own hardware, then the IP will be apparent to anyone. If you selfhost it on somebody else’s hardware, they can be legally compelled to log your IP as happened here with proton. But if you aren’t committing any crimes, selfhosting either way is probably more private than proton, since you are more confident in what software is running, while with proton you have to trust that the frontend being served is actually the e2e encrypted one

    • @iortega
      33 years ago

      I personally use migadu. Don’t know about how private it is but I is cheap and allows for loads of addresses and domains.

    • @Canard@lemmy.ml
      23 years ago

      I red that reverse DNS is needed to not be considered as spammer, but my internet provider does not allow it yet. So in the meantime, I use Protonmail because of the first point you stated.